ok, look what my beautiful mail lady brought me today!
i musy say, I am VERY impressed with the build quality of the MP series of Bj's effects.
I am the guitar tech for Brian Stoltz sometimes ( I prefer to PLAY myself, but Brian is SO GOOD it is worth it to tech for him, just for the learning and great music) -- and Brian is the KING of funk guitar from New Orleans. Enough that Bob Dylan called him and used him when he wanted "new orleans funk guitar"
Anyhow -- Brian will soon be making one of these SWAF pedals DO THAT FUNKY THING like nobody else.
It is the same thing that happened years ago after Katrina -- he had lost ALL his gear, except his old tele and strat that were WITH him...
I gave him my older Roger Mayer made octavia rocket ship. At a gig I noticed all he had was a cheap tubescreamer, a gcb-95 crybaby wah, and maybe one other pedal....I asked him why, and then remembered Katrina.....
So I brought the octavia to him to "use" that night.
He made it sound SO GOOD I could not take it back from him. BJ talks to me of how certain people "play" effects pedals, instead of just forcing themselves on the pedal..... Brian is one of those players who lets the effect talk to him, and he responds to it.....
I knew IMMEDIATELY upon hearing the clips of the SWAF that this pedal would be GREAT for Brian....and for me too!!!!
I love it.....Brian will have his early next week. he will be doing the "Jam Cruise", a big week long jamband concert festival thing on a cruiseship in Janurary, and I can wait for that week!
dont know Brian? google or youtube Brian Stoltz -- The FUnky Meters -- Porter/Batiste/Stoltz -- and you will get an earful/eyeful. trust me...give him a listen......
and my pedalboard is coming along fine....a couple of more pieces, and i will be READY....
hope i am not taking up too much of the forum with my posts. i will try to stick to a couple of my own threads, and not clog up the whole place