each time I switch guitars I put them all back to noon and start doing t he tweek dance
Yes this thing is almost a separate instrument as cabo said its really versatile and there are endless niche to be explored......
funny you mentioned 'Estimated Prophet' - Ive been corresponding with Mark Karan (Rat Dog) on this very subject and on getting the most out of the VCF ....
One thing that has come up is the difference in response below and above the 12th fret......
and one key is using the volume knob to adjust the input level to the filter so it gets an optimum level to trigger.....
So as you are tweeking the knobs, also try rolling your guitar volume (and even tone ) knob, even from 10 down to 9 to see what differences there are
Ive had a bjf vcf for 4 or 5 years and I still find nuances in the various settings .......
your not going to figure this pedal out completely in 30 minutes is all Im saying