I think my favorite is distortion!

It's hard to beat the collective group of the DRD, EGDM, the Model R, the Mighty Red, and now the Model H and the Cliffhanger. Resistance is futile. You can't stop them, you can only hope to contain them.

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Donner wrote:and everytime I have a fuzz shootout or get a new one that think is the new 'best' I can usually still find a setting on the CAF that will best it.....
scottcw wrote:Donner wrote:and everytime I have a fuzz shootout or get a new one that think is the new 'best' I can usually still find a setting on the CAF that will best it.....
Not BJF related, but how does the Peppermint Fuzz compare to the CAF?
thats a good example - the peppermint fuzz is excellent, lots of wavy hairs sustaining fuzz.. that was one I had to actually hook up next to the CAF to be surebut yes it also fell, great fuzz but simply redundant ....
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