hey warmth,,,I see,,,I havent played anything but single coils with it,,,maybe they are more noticeable.?. I wish I had something to compare to the P90's,,maybe someone else can chime in.?
messed around a good bit with these setting this past week:
Vol 10
Drive 5(full CW)
Tone Full CCW-Full CW
Tele>many BJF's>MP amp
mostly a combo of both pick ups, but lead toward the neck tone more for the pedal settings I most liked. And now that Im thinking about it,,I will try it alone too,,not sure if the long chain was degrading any of the signal.
A nice amount of gain available even when drive is all the way down. Although I kept it all the way up for now. Didnt clean up as quick as say a cranked Folk Fuzz,,but did work out ok when I turned vol on guitar half way down.
Tone knob seemed to interact the same,,even when turning the drive knob. Almost like it was acting as a seperate upper mid booster.
Full CCW I notice a slight bass, low mid increase, especially on a neck p/up. I couldnt tell if this was an 'off' position for the T control? or just another different setting?
I tried to simulate/substitute the Tone control with actual BJF pedals(BPB RRB,SBEQ, PHumper) and had some decent results,,which made me think the H has a 2 in1 quality to it.
As it turns clockwise,,the first slightest move takes that bass/low mid increase out right away,,then it starts to gradually increase the upper mids..
The overall range was more apparent when playing on the higher frets and strings.
Full CW was my favorite position for the Tone knob. It allowed the sparkle to happen when the Drive is all the way up(again this may change when I try it by itself),,which was also my fav setting for Drive too.