Donner wrote:It really hit me this week that often the 'real thing' is not what we think it is.....
What Im talking about is getting recorded/ vintage tones ...
Specifically the difference between say Jimmy Pages' recorded tone on an early LZ album and playing an actual Tele into a Supro live ...
And why a dirt pedal thru an amp sounds more 'real' than the actual rig itself....
We are so used to hearing recorded music and especially the music we grew up with and the tones in our head/memory.....
ok Im rambling ~~~
It hit me how a Honey Bee into a clean amp sounds and feels more 'correct' than actually playing thru a small combo thats distorting itself...
What we hear on record is the sound of that small combo MIC'd and then replayed thru clean fullrange speakers which is much closer to running a pedal into a clean amp.
The pedal is more like a mic'd amp than an amp ....
And I would say this about most of BJs drive/distortion designs that what they nail is adding the recordable and reproducable sound of an amp as opposed to the amp in the room sound.
does that make any sense

On the recorded tones live, you'd have to bring those tube mic's and tube outboard gear, compression, reverb, the mixing desk itself to complete what otherwise would be a very raw Tele into a Supro tone.
I think/know that of all the many BJF drives I have and have tried, they impart a balance of raw and refined tone that into a good platform amp, give you enough tube and compression processing from the whole signal chain to give you those tones live, but with so much more control and variety.
On the Model G for example, of which I've had from the beginning of the run, and have had 5 Gibson Ga 40's over the past 10 years, of which I kept the best sounding one, I can easily say he totally nailed that amp vibe and more(more easily lower gain tones),and a voicing on the nature knob that swings from channel one(which is darker) on the CCW side, to channel two which has all the presence and bite(N at more CW settings), and the feel is completely there.
Of course I take into consideration that I'm running it into my amp, which acts(like all the other drives)more like a power amp to the pedal(pre AND power amp qualities), and that is specifically why BJ's designs are superior to my ears.
I mean, my GA 40 still sounds amazing and it has a bit more gain and compression, but then we're talking about the original cone of the original Jensen P-12R Alnico, the original output tranny, and those wonderful 5789 pentode pre amp tubes that Gibson used in a few of there other amps, and where Vox(like Marshall from Fender), borrowed heavily from their application, but the Model G is awesome delivering it's balanced, open grind at all levels.
What I hear in the HB and the SYOD's, the BBOD, the DRD, is that yes, you can make a global statement that everything sounds better turned up, but with the this stuff, it's like at higher levels(gigging and up, but not stupid loud), the pedal circuit seems to fuse with the the amp better than I've heard before, like it's been hard-wired in, and easily as good as drive channels in many popular amp designs.