I've never been able to bond with any compressor - use 'em on occasion but not happily. Can you offer any comparison to other popular "boutique" comps, like the Keeley or Analogman? What specifically is different and special about the Pine Green (I know, there's some BJ magic in there)?
the best thing for me is the natural-ness of the pine green. it doesn't go SQUASH like many compressors do, unless you set it with compression up HIGH.
it adds a slight "sweetening" to the sound, ala the SBEQ.
the magic body knob allows you to get a variety of different sounding compressor types, much like the CAF nature knob gives you different fuzzes.
the PGC is a compressor for people who don't like standard compressors. i highly encourage you to PLAY one, it's simply too subtle of an effect to be properly revealed by video and audio clips.
for me, it makes my gigs EASIER when i play clean guitar parts, it makes the rhythm guitar JUMP OUT of the amp, instead of me PUSHING the notes out. hard to explain.
and has a heaping helping of BJF fairy dust in it