That is all.

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cabo wrote:..havent I seen those last lists compiled before!?!.![]()
Donner wrote:Well I normally try and stay away from effecting the outcome, but as Mr P has shown extraordinary effort - I will simply remind everyone that the winner is always that which best answers the actual challenge
voxdefiant wrote:Just briefly, and perhaps inarticulately; it came to the United States attention through overflights that the Soviet Union was attempting to install intermediate nuclear missiles in Cuba, very much in range of delivering devastion to U.S. cities like New York and Washington D.C. President Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of Cuba. Russian ships, presumeably carrying cargo that would allow the missiles to become operational, continued to approach Cuba. The tension and cliffhangerness was of epic proportions. Kennedy and Khrushchev dangerously dialogued through telegrams and clandestine meetings. This was something of " a mexican standoff"-two people, eye to eye, one with an Uzi and one with an AK47.…the cliffhanger resolution was that the Soviet ships turned around. The headlines read that the Soviets blinked. The confrontation could have been the start of the third world war and might be considered the most dangerous time of our lives before now...
The year was1962
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