We all love BJF pedals. It would be interesting to know how we all got here. When/how did you hear of BJF pedals? What was your first one? If you could only keep one, which would it be?
For me, I remember hearing some rave reviews about the Baby Blue Overdrive in the early 2000's on the Musictoyz Forums. I was into pedals to a moderate degree then, but then went through an extended period of time when I didn't visit the forums and didn't really even pay attention to gear. I had what I liked and didn't really think about it.
Fast forward several years and I got into a cover band with some of my classmates in my masters program. Needed to branch out and be able to get more sounds. Remembered the Baby Blue, sought it out and landed one. I can't remember if it was ebay or where. It came in the mail and blew my mind from the get go. Then I pulled up the videos on Toyz and as many reviews as I could find, etc. Somewhere along the line, I discovered TGP and it was all over from there. Bought the DRD, EGDM, and PPF within a week of each other and each blew me away and I've been a BJF junkie ever since.
If I could only keep one, I'd see if Bjorn would build me a mega BJF pedal that held the BBOD, the DRD, the CAF, and the MGMV...and the SBEQ.