I had first heard about BJF on The Gear Page. I joined TGP in February of 2006, but that now seems like a long time ago. I don't even remember how I heard about TGP now. Anyway, around the Spring of 2006, the buzz on TGP about this "Honeybee" was incredible. Everybody kept talking about a Honeybee, and I had no clue what the hell they were all raving about.
Anyway, I eventually figured out that the Honeybee was made by this one-man outfit in Sweden called "BJF." Fast forward to the beginning of June of 2006...that was the Chicago ToneFest. It was there that I actually met BJ & Donner. At the time, was having a great deal of difficulty finding the perfect distortion pedal. Man, I'd been through so many.
It was at ToneFest that BJ personally demoed a Dyna Red for me. He took a lot of time out and spent a considerable amount of one-on-one time with me in the demo room. We even played some other distortion pedals that day, and he was explaining differences not only in sound but in feel. It was quite brilliant, actually.
I ended up buying that Dyna Red, and that's where it all started for me. Shortly thereafter, BJ had risen to the challenge of fashioning a custom overdrive for me, to act as a companion to my DRD, based on my tonal preferences that are strongly rooted in England, classic rock & electric blues, and in EL-34 type amps.
This is where the Dynamic Amber Overdrive came from, which is now the Sparkling Yellow Overdrive that Donner was most recently offering through the BJF Customshop.
I now have: DRD, DAOD, Folk Phaser, CAF, RRB, and MP DBD. If I could only keep one...Amber for sure. I love them all, but the Amber is the most versatile for my needs. It has so much volume available that I could even use it like a booster if I needed to. Never heard any other overdrive that I've enjoyed nearly as much.
I had made the unfortunate mistake of selling my DRD last Fall to fund the purchase of an amp that I didn't end up keeping.
But BJ was kind enough to make me another DRD, this time in a custom paint job..."DocRock's Distortion." It still gets to carry the DRD initials as well, which is nice.
Yes, tough to decide what I'd keep if I had to unload any of them. I hope I never have to do that. I do love them all, really.
Have fun

Get in where you fit in.