But the Yellow has jumped to the front of the line .... and brought the DRD with it ....
BJ has mentioned a couple times of the prospect of BearFoot doing the DRD like the first ones ~ like it was originally - which I didnt think too much of because the very first like 4 or 5 of them where a little softer and a little less gain ....
But he was talking about something else --- apparantly originally the DRD had 4 knobs. And there were 4 or 5 of them made (tho I have never seen one) - but he couldnt find anymore of those odd specd pots so it became the 3 knobber that we all know and love ...... the 4th knob is a low mids knob that goes a little minus but mostly adds low mids pregain....
And apparantly this is even more effective on the SY circuits as on low gain you can beef up the lows and since its pregain it is also interactive with the drive knob and content.... should make all three more versatile...
Im telling you this now as I want people to have the choice before hand without getting stuck with something they wish theyd waited for ....
Some will just want the simplicity of the SY 1 or 2 in the original 3 knob versions --- some will have use for the 4 knobbers and there will also be the version with both 3 knob versions on the rotary ....
Yes we could end up with 5 SYODs and a new DRD in the next couple months .... as well as EQ and mystery greens ... there may also be a run of some of the 1 knobbers if there is interest....and along the way getting set up for fuzz production (emerald green and baby blue are also sort of repurposed fuzzes at their hearts along with the actual fuzzes)
hope y'all are still up for some research