As a trem/vibe fanatic (currently own and use two Magnatone amps, a Juke 1210, AC30 clone with trem/vibe channel, a Model 16 Leslie), I've long thought the MGMV one of Bjorn's most brilliant creations.

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thesjkexperience wrote:GOod to hear! I am also a Vibe fan and had a Mojo Vibe which I replaced with a Fulltone MDV-2 that sounded better to me. The wah housing is really functional once you get used to it, but it is really big!
I should have a Foxrox Aquavibe this week to compare to the Fulltone and the winner stays. I also want to try the Bearfoot Vibe with the slow speed mod as I really liked the BJFE MGMV I tried, but it went too fast to hit a lot of the classic sounds. I almost always use really slow settings with lots of depth.
thesjkexperience wrote:Try Vibe>fuzz>flange>tremolo Play loud. Scare the neighbors.
sonictroubadour wrote:Strat-o-lux wrote:I retired all my Univibe type pedals several years ago in favor of the MGMV, often stacked into the Hartman Flanger or Foxrox TZF, for Trower-esque or Hendrix Vibe sounds. Less "authentic" perhaps - but with the stacking, a range of depth and variety of color that I really dig.
Wow, vibe into flanger...I gotta try that soon! Thanks for the tip!
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