cajone5 wrote:I'm loving the v2 as well. I've been running it with volume around 9 and treble and drive (is that what the labels are?) wide open and it sounds great with my single coils. Fantastic lead tones, great sustain, interacts really well with the volume knob and it cuts through really well! I think this is a BIG improvement over v1 for me as it sounds much less fizzy and harsh. Let us know more thoughts when you have the time -

Awesome... I just noticed you also have a Carmen Ghia. That's the next amp I'll be trying mine with... maybe tonight, but will definitely be playing a lot between now & this weekend.
Yeah, initial impressions are that this thing is anything but harsh. Smooth, yet aggressively voiced. I'm really digging it & can't wait to give it much more time.
My Tele has those 70's Seth Lover buckers, which have always sounded closer to P90's to me than to most buckers, so I look forward to giving it a whirl driven by that as well... but I'm a big single coil fan. My other Esquires have a Harmonic Design S-90 & a Lollar Vintage T so I have a pretty good range of pups & amps to pair the Model H up with.