feel free to delete that "test post" donner

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Cobra wrote:http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showthread.php?t=468775
http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showth ... p?t=468287
He didn't even give his BJF forum bretheren a courtesy heads up, nor a for sale post here...
What's up with that?
I wonder how much Bjorn's cut is?
Some folks primary connection with BJF pedals is how much they can profit from them.
Makes me wanna hurl...
analoghog wrote:Cobra wrote:http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showthread.php?t=468775
http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showth ... p?t=468287
He didn't even give his BJF forum bretheren a courtesy heads up, nor a for sale post here...
What's up with that?
I wonder how much Bjorn's cut is?
Some folks primary connection with BJF pedals is how much they can profit from them.
Makes me wanna hurl...
....well, let's get to it.....it's me ANALOGHOG your all chatty about....i'm not hiding.....
......well, well...let's see Cobra!....did you send any money to Bjorn when you sold that LGW to me for $450 ???...i know you didn't pay that much for it....you even apologized for charging me that much at the time!!...so how am i profiteering when i'm selling it at $475 ???...TELL ME !....after Paypal takes their cut, and shipping, i'm just getting my money out!!.....and i kept my original promise to you and offered back to you first!....you are a piece of work!.....
..........as for the others, i bought the PPF for $450 ( asking $475 ) as well and the AWF at $575 ( asking $600 )....how am i profiteering ?????..........if you all want to acusse me of something, than acusse me of paying too much for something i love ...because i love Bjorn's stuff!....the only one i made a little cash on was the SYOD, which i held, and sold, to another BJFE forum member...
......and my primary connection to this Forum and BJFE pedals is pure admiration .....and you should know Cobra!!!!!....i've told you that many, many times before on the phone....Bjorn, to me, is the best maker, designer building right now....i'm not in this for Profits....i'm in this for great tone!...i assume like everybody else....
....i apologize to all my forum brothers for not posting here as well, but i needed a quick sale and sometimes things sit in the BJFE sale posts for awhile....and yeah, it would have helped to post them here as well...i am sorry.....this is the first time i haven't posted here as well....you can go look in the sale threads, i post here!!!
.......and Big thanks to DocRock for the kind words!!....Ron was sad to hear you left town, but is glad your happy and doing better....
Eskimo_Joe wrote:No matter what your views are on this situation, I would encourage us
all to error on the side of withholding judgment. The reason I say this
is because this forum, in general, has a fantastic vibe. As my gear
interests have broadened, I have visited other forums and it makes it
all the more obvious that we have a nice thing going here.
not saying don't be mad or offended if that is how you feel, but please
handle it in a respectful manner, no matter what side of the fence
you're on. I would hate to see this place become jaded, hateful,
immature, full of cursewords, etc. If you've visited some other forums,
you know exactly what I mean (and ask me if you don't).
Also, I
think we have to be careful about the "Keeping it in the family" line
of thinking. For those of us in the family, it's a family, but to those
on the outside, it can feel more like an elitist club. I don't think
any of us here wish to turn this into an elistist club. At one point,
none of us had any BJF pedals. That doesn't make your interest any less
sincere. It just means you haven't had the pleasure of plugging one in
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