Eskimo_Joe wrote:BTBAM wrote:Think of it this way, you're eating a steak for dinner and you're asking us if you're missing out by not trying the lobster? Undoubtedly, it's worth trying the lobster.

And the shrimp. And the chilean sea bass. And the salmon. And the prime rib. And the monterey chicken. And the pulled pork. And...

Ha ha. Try it all, but leave those poor Chilean Sea Bass in the ocean.
Here's my thinking on the MP vs. BJFE debate - both were designed by Bjorn. I sincerely doubt he sat there thinking, "I'd like to make a pedal for the masses, but I'm going to make the circuit just a little bit sub-optimal to justify the lower price." I'm sure he put the same innovative thinking into that line that he uses for the BJFE line. It's just that the MP line is hand made by someone that isn't Bjorn.
So, while I still haven't laid my hands on an MP pedal, I would venture to say that they aren't better or worse - just different. Are you missing out on anything by not trying the BJFE stuff? I would say, probably yes. Bjorn simply offers many more options in that line. I would buy a couple of the most common ones and make your own determination. If you don't like them you can always sell them without taking a loss.
A few to try:
1) Dyna Red Distortion - Great heavy overdrive/distortion pedal.
2) Honey Bee Overdrive - Probably the best light overdrive I've ever played.
3) Pine Green Compressor - Great for subtle compression if that's your thing.
4) Pink Purple Fuzz - Not too hard to find one used. Very nice Muff-like tones but with more note definition.
5) Candy Apple Fuzz - Real over the top nasty fuzz. Octave capabilities on some settings.
6) Emerald Green Distortion Machine - Vox-like distortion.
7) Little Green Wonder - Somewhat hard to find, but not that bad. Tube Screamer-ish in a way. But different.
8 ) Baby Pink Booster - Buffered boost.
9) Red Rooster Booster - Non-buffered, true bypass boost.
10) Baby Blue Overdrive - Out of production and hard-ish to find. Sweet general purpose drive/fuzz pedal, though.
11) Might Green Mini Vibe - Classic vibe sound.
That covers most of the basic ones. Then there are a gazillion custom jobs and rarities that you have to look for used if you want to try. I will probably get some of these descriptions wrong so someone correct me.
1) Model H - Hiwatt overdrive tone.
2) Deluxe Mini Vibe (known by a few names, but Sea Blue Mini Vibe is one) - Two button vibe with ability to change frequency on the fly.
3) Snow White Fuzz - Grainy fuzz with good touch sensitivity.
4) Folk Fuzz - Similar to SWF in my opinion, though fuzz is perhaps more grainy. Tone knobs on both of these pedals allow you to get a nice, bright sound.
5) Sparkling Yellow Overdrive - Fairly bright sounding OD.
6) Sparkling Orange Overdrive - A close cousin to SYOD with less high-end content.
7) Aqua Marine Wonder Machine - BJFE version of Sky Blue Overdrive
8 ) VCF - Filter.
9) Cliff Hanger - Don't know much about this one.
10) Model R - Similar to Dyna Red Distortion.
There are many more. This at least gives you the briefest of overviews. Consult the BJFE Library if you want more detailed descriptions of the individual pedals.
Much smaller collection than the days of yore . . .
HBOD Dlx, DRD, Mod H