Some day, some way, I want to have 50's twin.

nichcope wrote:A 50's twin would be amazing for sure, but they are soooooo hard to find!!!! I play a '56 Bassman and a '60 Vibrolux (Fender still made tweeds in '60) and they are both really really really incredible sounding amps. If you can't find a twin, definitely consider the some of the other Fender tweeds! There are newer amps that are more versatile, but if you just want the blues rock thing I'm not sure there's anything better. The cool thing about my '56 bassman is that they must have run out of some of the Bassman parts when they built it because when I took it in to a shop to get serviced the amp tech said that the output transformer was a Fender Twin part from the same year. I guess this was typical of Fender at the time, if they ran out of a part, they just swapped something comparable in. In this case, not only comparable, but better!
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