The LGW is the sleeping giant of that bunch, IMO. I really wish that pedal got more press. I think that, because it's the only BJF model never to be gooped, and it's now an MP model, combined with the fact that folks unfamiliar think it's yet-another-Tubescreamer incarnation, it doesn't really get talked about as much as I think it should. It is a fantastic, fantastic pedal ... easily one of the best overdrives I've ever played.
It has enough output to be used as a clean boost, but enough drive on tap to be taken almost into distortion territory. It's a pedal stacker's dream pedal. It can be dialed in to be used with virtually any amplifier gain structure, melting right into the sound. I wrote an extensive review of this pedal back when it first came out ... it's on the forum here somewhere if you do a search.
Anyway ... it's the sleeping giant, I'm telling you. The LGW is indeed little, green, and wonderous. Not to be taken lightly. Really, Bobby D ... you can take your Soldano, run your clean channel clean, your dirty channel at low gain for crunchy rhythm textures, and put the LGW (set higher on output than on drive) on top of that for leads ... and leave the rest of your drive pedals at home. I'm not kidding, you'll see....
Have fun

Get in where you fit in.