It might be so that after may years of working a trade things may go more or less on their own accord.
I have learnt a lot in terms of painting and yes I thought I sucked real hard at painting,while yes I have had training since I was 16 years-in those days painting in nitro something not possible today.
Painting nitro with a brush is a major pain and something like this that first you apply the paint and then sand down until surface is smooth and then with liquid sand work up the gloss
Right thank you for the good words andyes I understand also about painting in an apartment.
Sprayguns are outof the question but handpainting can be done and if there's interest I'll be willing to show some techniques? I would then show how to apply paint when living in an apartment.......
Yes I have done that too
It does sound like a plan for you in Australia to try to get parts locally within a month and before partsprices go up, maybe that would save a bit?
It does seem a rather hefty decrease in Aus.Dollars compared to USD- I can see that puts a lid on many fun things as it has here too

Yes I can see the Lucyboxes and those are pretty- I have no idea what they cost though?
Also what a Donnerbox would cost is for Don to answer.
If possible I'd like to make this project fun for everyone and hopefully provide solutions also for boxes.
Have fun