Very interesting post.
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analoghog wrote:EJ....you have looked long and hard for this Les Paul....i would love to see what she looks like....got a photo to share????.....and congrats on finally finding " the ONE "!!!!!!
mfolet wrote:I'm diggin' the DRD with PRS,nice singing leads and crunchy chords!!!I'm waiting on a HoneyBee and I'll let you know how that works.I run the amp dead clean and use the DRD and my volume knob on the guitar to give me all my tones.It works very well.
cantineboy wrote:I only own the CAF. But that thing really loves the humbuckers of my guild sg. My favorite is to run it into a memoryman for that evil fuzzwall from beyond. Works like a charm for what i´m after.
cabo wrote:obviously dependent on the entire rig,, but I love Model R with humbuckers, very aggressive.
DocRock wrote:The only BJ-designed pedal I've ever played that seemed to me to have a stronger preference for single coils was the MP MRD. I would also say that I like the BJF DRD better with humbuckers. But these are just preferences ... it's not like the MRD sounds bad with humbuckers or anything like that. Otherwise, I think there are merits with all combinations for greater variety and texture. You may need to change settings on given pedals to optimize, but overall I think all the models (with the exception of the MRD) seem to play nicely with either application.
This is all coming from a Les Paul guy, but I've gigged with my friend's Telecaster and my BJF's and was just as blown away with the sound, but in a different way. I love that his pedals don't impose their will over the sound, i.e., whatever guitar you're playing still sounds like THAT guitar. A lot of pedals tend to mask so many nuances that you can no longer tell what kind of guitar is being used. I love that this is never the case with BJ's stuff.
Jagattack wrote:I'll second the DRD - LP plus a DRD is one of the great sounds out there IMO.
PPF is good too, but I lower the volume for it.
BJF wrote:Hi,
Some perhaps fun notes
Baby Blue OD was primarily designed with a matching coloured strat with a Seymour Duncan QP in bridge.
DRD and CAF were primarily designed with light humbucker and P-90's.
PPF,LGE were primarily designed with a strat with a Seymour Duncan QP in bridge.
Honey Bee and Folk Fuzz, EGD,LRT were designed with a Flying V with light humbuckers ( about the same level as P-90's), while I'd preferably demo HB with a Les Paul...to show the dynamic range.
LGW was designed with a Les Paul and then to match with PGC with a strat
Model R, Model H, Snow White/Arctic Fuzz were designed with a Les Paul.
MP SBOD was designed with altering a Les Paul and a strat and a tele
MP MRD was designed primarily with a strat but also tested with a Les Paul, I'd prefer to demo MRD with a tele or strat.....
Cliffhanger was designed with a Les Paul Special (P-90's)
BJF VCF/MP SWAW was designed with a strat- also why volumecontrol movement was calculated on
That's just off the top of my head and for all models I'd try them with heavy humbuckers, light humbuckers, P-90's and standard single coils, while I'd prefer certain models with certain guitars, but then like with Honey Bee I also like to run that with a strat having RRB boosting into Honey Bee.....
Perhaps my favourite pick up is the P-90 and I find that using that as design center usually makes a response that travels between the other guitars, while there are peculiarities that make certain things work better with a strat or humbuckers.......
I find also different guitars invite to different playingstyle, while once I used a strat for all kinds of sounds and also then had a distortion box that sounded the same regardless of guitar used, but hey that was in the 80's...... I just drifted towards heavier pick ups and a Les Paul as it fitted better for the heavier musicstyle I got into and it made it easier to play on controlled feedback......and then dynamics became a lot more important..........
these are things I use. Ahum and I also like treble, while I'll work on getting that balanced with my test setup-things I know travels from lowpower playing, like when practicing to high powered playing as in stage use and what shows up when recording and after the tenth listening- I'd like a circuit to work in all these applications and I use what I have learnt in those applications.
Through the last 9 years I have learnt that there are so many amps with their own signature and certain things would fit better with certain setups and so for instance MP MRD through a Fender Super Reverb.....woohoo!
while not the same at all through a VOX AC-30 and that's just one story in a sea of stories and my pedals are therefore my spies that gather information about setups that I may never hear in real life, and so I read and learn.
Gentlemen thank you for all your words
Have great fun
BJF wrote:....
Model R, Model H, Snow White/Arctic Fuzz were designed with a Les Paul.
Perhaps my favourite pick up is the P-90 and I find that using that as design center usually makes a response that travels between the other guitars, while there are peculiarities that make certain things work better with a strat or humbuckers.......
Have great fun
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