Funny thing about the LGW -- and I am sure the MP version of it as well -- it does the tubescreamer type thing VERY well, but without the "midhump" tone robbing thing.......and it HAS more on tap than a ts-808. AND it sparkles with some shimmering high end that I like, and need.......
I like this better than any TS variant I have ever owned, including 3 landgraff DOs that were all really good.....various vintage TS-808s and TS-9s.......better than any of the newer TS klones out there from dozens of other makers I have tried. there is something REALLY cool about this, and I thought I would regret buying it.....but I was WRONG.....I am COMPLETELY happy finding this one.
Gotta hear it at full stage volume, but I have my practice amp (small marshall 1x10 celestion loaded cab with 15 watt small Marshall head -- looks like the microstack, but not on the inside).
I can get a pretty good idea of my stage work from being home at I think this is really going to be a winner at the gigs.
And the MP version of this is really quite affordable, compared to the plethora of expensive TS-klones out there....I like the MP line a LOT, since they are BJ designed and built by beautiful blonde women in finland -- what's not to like????