Funny thing is -- I wan initially rejected by Miramar/BMG, but the VP of the label said it was one of the best demos he had heard all year...hmmm......
Then I later met a promotions person at a CMJ conference, and he LOVED the CD. He helped me promote it as an indie album.
In a strange twist of events, he later that year went to work for Miramar/BMG.
I reminded him the VP of Miramar loved the CD, and had even written me a letter that it was "one of the best demos he had gotten all year".
THEN we finally got signed.......and as that was happening, we had two other labels that wanted to sign us, Bill Laswell's "Subharmonic" label, and R&S Records in Belgium (who are a GREAT label for electronic music, and Renaat and Sabine actually flew to Florida to spend a week with me and wine and dine me).
So after all that rejection, all of a sudden we had three potential labels. I signed with Miramar/BMG, because I had worked for BMG Distribution for 4 years, knew almost everyone in the company, and knew they were gonna "push" it because most of them knew and liked me -- even though I was the record company guy who would say "that sucks" at a big meeting...if an album or band SUCKED, I was not scared to say so

It was an interesting experience. I learned several things from that whole LVX Nova thing.
1. NEVER name your band something you have to explain, or is hard to spell.
2. Avoid putting out a record that you really can't recreate LIVE pretty well. LVX did some live shows, but it was boring, for us and the audience....
3. Always bring clean undies and socks with you on the road, and then just buy new ones along he way and throw out the old ones as you go.