and a bit of an ambient music composer. actually, my ambient music has been the most commercially successful of my music ventures. it was music i made FOR FUN, and because i liked tweaking old analog synths, crusty old drum machines, and an ancient Atari ST running Cubase 2.0.
if you wanna give that stuff a listen, check out:
I tried to combine ambient electronic music with guitar, and that resulted in my only "major label" album that was released, it is called LVX Nova, sadly out of print, but you can find it on ebay sometimes for 99 cents

or listen to it for free here:
And I play fulltime in a band from Miami, doing everything from bluesfunkfusionrock stuff....from Key West to Palm Beach.
And I also do solo acoustic gigs, and have quite a few singer/songwriter type songs as well.
And I spend too much time on websites like this