The 'Fraternity' is a Versatile Vintage Voiced pedal covering a wide variety of overdrive and distortion tones - nothing earth shatteringly new here ~ just about any kind of grind you would want to lay on your amp from barely to raging .....
Its circuit ancestry would include Fatcats,Rats,FKRs,Dist+,FatBoxes and some interesting clipping options and tweeks ....while navigating its controls you may run thru familiar tones on your way to finding your own ........
The five controls are: Level and Gain on top
a 6 position clipping diode selector in the middle (because every good Frat has a 6 pack in the middle)
and Tone (not filter) and Fill (Ruetz Mod)
and it will come in a wide variety of DonnerBox finishes some familiar and some new .....
the FRATernity is completely handmade in St. Louis
the First 22 will be $222 shipped and paypalled
Ha! no videos yet - I may do a general 'what it is ?' control tour video soon........
Im design/marketing/painting and sales departments
my long time friend and amp tech/electrician/plumber/carpenter/graphicartist/guitarist buddy JP is on lead soldering iron ....
I do the outside and he does the inside,and we designed it together and this is as it should be
Ill get a vid together tomorrow if theres time....