For me it has been a long time search for the right small boxed octave pedal. I always liked a good octave down the most so that was always considered as well, and Im fine with digital or analog as long as it tracks well, or has a useful personality to it.

Ive been a long time fan of the octron, mutron and whammy other than size. I ended up liking the octron2 the most,,,add a green ringer clone in the loop and you have a Mutron Octave divider, but it is more versatile and is clearer and deeper imo.
Donner turned me onto a real fine unit, the Ibanez ot10,, but has been impossible to find. I was also thinking about the Mxr blue box.
Anyone here have exp with the Blue Box? reviews seem mixed.
The Pog was great too,,again size was issue, I was also curious if anyone was using the Micro Pog? and for organ or octave sounds?
The MI Audio Pollyanna was also just released,,and I ended up checking one out,, should see it in a few days. I have high hope for this one but we’ll see. The demo vids seemed pretty good, Im hoping it would work with bass too.