cabo wrote:half the time dvd on tv,
and the other half its downloads or dvds on computer. mostly dvds over cds,, I always shoot for added visual stimulation when I can.
dont get much chance to listen in the vehicle, not much on compressed files if I have a choice,,I could see it altering ones hearing.
thas funny I have the opposite problem --- I never have time to watch concert DVD
,,, last time I did that was when I was very sick and could just muster laying down, watched the thing that came with the last wilco CD/DVD great stuff..... but I have the Tom Petty DVD thing and still havent watched it,,, heck i got the Stones 4 Flicks a couple years a go and still havent watched it----------
but I listen to music all the time while on the computer ---- cant type and watch dvds at t he same time...... well i guess I could if I got hooked up right...