Well the Coalbooster was a custom pedal only made in two units and ordered by two guitarists in the same band and that had tried all boosters they could find to pump up their Jackson amps................OK I have played a Jackson design sort of similar and those have a lot of gain on tap enough for most to almost all..........but when challange to make this booster it was made to run of 24V's giving a voltage swing of + - 10Volts peak to peak and therefore a safe mode switch was put inside to limit output to + - 7Volts which is still wooping at the capability of 14Volts RMS. When testing this for the first time I ran it into a solidstate VOX as I could fix it if it died or replace it if it blew up............

Harri sent those two ever made to the guys that had ordered them and I have heard nothing of those after that
Little Green Emphaser was made as a gift for the DRD #100 and the idea was that the LGE would sort of put the 80's back into DRD..........it has one knob with a pan between two preshapes: one more trebly and one more full range and so you could pan. Hm, but I lowered factoryprice after DRD 200 to compensate for the falling USD and then anything extra had to go.There were anyway 6 units made. One of those would be in Japan with the DRD 100, but might have been seperated, for what I know, while the other five outof which one went to Toyz with the DRD 200, and that pair got to be bought by an employee of Toyz; and then there were four more ordered seperately and I would think they still are with their original owners.
LGE also worked in a demo stack: PGC>LGE>LGW each contributing something to a green OD sound-LGE gave complexity . However I decided that the LGW was maybe a better predrive for DRD........
Dyna Blue Distortion came about as a joke after a magazine had reviewed the Dyna Blue Distortion before it was even concieved and so it felt fitting to design the Dyna Blue Distortion and one was ordered by the mysterious Thunder, but the order cancelled before the design was made but after it was reviewed in a magazine.........
There were two made and one the first one I have on a shelf and it is now just a shell of a pedal that never really existed at least not as reviewed.............but it's all fun.
Big Purple Fuzz was made as one custom outof four large boxes and the other ones were Baby Blue De Luxe,
Baby Blue Super Deluxe and the fourth a Voltage Controlled filter.
The Big purple has three footswithes that allows sounds from the PPF and sounds from the CAF and then a third sound of ultra long sustain.
LOW was a custom distortion made only intwo while the number two is really a COW and of course it has on it's bottomplate a.........this experiment was abandoned- it was an experiment to match distortion under the circumstance of an ES335 running into a Super Reverb and the tonecontrol on this one was used to shift midrange through a peculiar way while the distortion on this one was made to be on the heavy side
Have fun