cabo wrote:a tough little bugger indeed,,I see why it earned the name it did. any details on the amp? or did I just miss it in one of the vids?
so is this a colaboration project,,,that might be released?
great vids,,good job MrLouder and MrMore!

No, there were no details on the amp in the vids. Here's a brief story how it came to be:
We came up with the idea that it would be fun to design "something" together almost two years ago. Some time in late 2006 or early 2007 I went to Stockholm and visited with Björn and his family. It was there and then that Björns wife, Ewa, basically manipulated us to do something real instead of just blowing smoke in the air, she simply said something like: "It's a damn shame you two freaking super intelligent geniuses don't join forces and make the world drop its jaw". Well, what would you do if you were called "a freaking super intelligent genius" and easy to flatter? Good psychology there, Ewa.
So we sat down to discuss this collaboration in more tangible terms.
We were like two teenagers starting a band - we had to come up with a name first!
While we were coming with one crazy name after another...till "Louder & More" popped up and Ewa shouted from the sofa "THIS is IT! Brilliant!", so, there we were with a band name and no gear!
We needed an idea that would have a strong surprise factor in itself besides the collaboration aspect. We could easily design something with myriad of functions, knobs, switches and a 10 switch footpedal. That would not surprise anybody. It had to be something basic, simple and minimalistic. Low power was a given. Tube or SS? -why not a hybrid? Yes, less than 5W. Single End tube power stage. Solid state preamp. Two knobs: Louder and More. A combo with huge tone and 12" speaker. Decision: Björn will design the preamp and my task will be tube power amp and power supply.
....I'll continue later. In the meantime Mr. Louder will certainly have something to add and/or correct.
The amps face as it is now on the prototype: