Hi guys,
My band finally recorded some songs and I wanted to share them with you. You can access them via myspace http://www.myspace.com/thecore2007.
"But Now"
Guitar 1: Strat through Vox AC30 through Mesa V-twin
Guitar 2: same as #1 except no Mesa V-twin and plus a Sweet Sound Mojo Vibe
Guitar 3: Nash strat through Victora 35210 through a BJF Honey Bee and a BJF Dyna Red on the choruses
- solos on this track were done with a BJF Dyna Red through Vox AC30
"Let's Do It Like This"
Guitar 1: Strat through Vox AC30
Guitar 2: Nash strat through Victoria 35210 through a BJF Honey Bee
- solo on this track was done through Guitar 2 set up plus an Analogman SunFace
"Long Road"
Guitar 1: Strat through Vox AC30 and Mesa V-twin
Guitar 2: Nash strat through Victoria 35210 through BJF Honey Bee through Sweet Sound Mojo Vibe
- solos on this track was done with Guitar 2 set up plus a Mad Professor Little Green Wonder