sorry for the wait gents. Time off ( and I worked today) and timing with my fellow workers, pedal sluts, we had our shoot out t'day after work. First of all, we had a blast!!!!! @ work at 6am, off at 11am, over my place with 3 six packs of tasty micro brews waiting on ice ( Red Hook BlackHook Porter, Yahzoo IPA, Full Sail PA) All is good.
Amps~ 1967 Fender Pro Reverb (Stock), 1987 Jcm 800 anny (stock) w/ 4x12. Strat and Explorer (single coil/ humbuckers pups diff)
Our opinions (3) were pretty much mutual, copastettic

we used batteries in all pedals ( thanks JP!!!)
First up~ Fuzz Face (we were giddy, it had to be 1st)
Fender,strat ~ eh, fuzz, good classic fuzz. Expl, same.... were on our first beer here peeps!
Marshall, strat~ Hail~O~mighty!!!!!!! Now thats CLASSIC!!!! (we all got a woody), we didnt even try the Expl. Done deal

2nd up~ MP Fire REd Fuzz
Over all in all catagories, this is the best fine tuned Big Muff we ever heard. It sounded great thru everything, The TONE knob is very reactive. 3 wise men say thumbs up! Great pedal.
3rd up~ D*A*M MeatHead
Overall.... It sounds best @ 9pm for what it does and at 9pm it does what it does best, at 9pm.
4rth up~ Dementer Fuzzulator...... WoW! three thumbs up on this one, our fav pic.
No matter which amp, and at what setting, the strat sounded like a strat. Both Amps sounded great. Humbuckers okay, But the Strat reall shinned with this pedal. Three Chessire Cats with tis pedal!!!!!
5th up~ Pedalworks Benderoverunder.
Fender~ no. tweekable fuzz pedal
Marshall~ yes. tweekable TASTY fuzz pedal. you can dial in some nice vintage tones to muffy stuff. tiz was good.
Now by this time were three beers in each, no lunch, just smokes and barley pops and attitude. Were stuck with my Strat 'cause its really sounding great and coping alot of cool tones out of the three of us, screw humbuckers, we know that singles rule the fuzz realm......
6th up~ Disaster Fuzz Plus
For what it does, this is the best, for what it does. This pedal is up John's alley. Sean and I knew it. I try'd it and had fun with it, but in all honesty, Sean and I looked at each other... (smoke break) and handed the delima over to John. John LOVES pedals that make a guitar not sound like a guitar. As Sean and I were having our nicotine and barley pops, were heaing John musing, coaxing, throating every little bit out of that box. He did well. It is great for what it does, the best. Blue Box on acid. enoughsaid.
We had a great time. Pedals were great. I am no longer fuzz illiterate. Barley pops were ice cold. Good company. Good times.
If my analagies and someries are vague, tiz because its like a movie you havent seen yet but I have, but those who have know what I am talking about, but those who havenot, well.... it tastes like this, but you'll have to try it yourself.... I smoke and you don't.. ya know? Ciao!