1) Where are you from?
Originally? West Virginia. Michigan for a while. But mostly Southern and Northern California (currently the better of the two - Northern.
2) Favorite band of all-time?
probably Led Zeppelin, but U2 and the Who are right up there.
3) Favorite BJF pedal?
At this point, I think the Aqua Marine Wonder Machine.
4) Something you refuse to do.
stop learning
5) Line of work (feel free to be vague if necessary).
Chemical engineer - Presently, I develop products to control diesel emissions.
6) If you were stuck on a dessert island, what (1) CD would you take and what (1) magazine subscription would you have?
CD - How to Build Your Own Sail Boat From Island Materials (Audio CD)
Magazine subscription - New Yorker
7) Funnest job you've ever had and why
What I'm doing now probably. It's difficult, rewarding, and has a major impact on air quality.
Of course, working in the movie theater with my friends in high school wasn't half bad . . .
8. What (1) piece of gear do you wish you had never sold?
Probably my SG Classic (P90s)
9) Favorite ice cream?
Chocolate for sure.
10) First R-rated movie you saw?
Probably Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Maybe Porkys.
11) Outside of relatives and religious figures, who would you most like to sit next to on a long plane ride?
Al Gore - Given that we are both dedicated to environmental pursuits, I think it'd be fascinating to pick his brain.
12) If you could be on a TV Show, which show would you want to be on?
Daily Show because they have so much damn fun doing what they do.
13) Favorite season and why?
Summer - Mountain biking, long days, warm weather, walking around barefoot, swimming, great produce
14) Hobbies aside from music related things?
Biking (road and mountain), snowboarding, world traveling, SCUBA (though it's been a while), sailing, volleyball
15) Favorite drink?
Non-alcoholic: I rarely drink them anymore, but a tall glass of ice cold Coca-Cola can be a thing of beauty
Alcoholic: Probably Guinness
16) Biggest pet peeve?
Bad drivers
17) Where would you vacation if you could go anywhere?
18. Mac or PC?
19) Favorite TV shows?
The Wire, Dead Wood, Alias, Freaks and Geeks, Arrested Development
20) Coolest thing you have ever won?
Probably my AMWM, actually.
Much smaller collection than the days of yore . . .
HBOD Dlx, DRD, Mod H