mrpicard wrote:Art Piece One ? Poem for an AquaMarine WonderMachine
Living in this forum is a pedal made for me,
Alas this wonder machine does not come for free.
To be chosen as the owner you must first win a quest,
Do something different and vanquish all the rest.
So I sat sitting quietly planning what I would do,
Contemplating navels for a Donner-boxed Sky Blue.
Finally it hit me in the dark Australian night,
Provide a little poem on how this pedal came to light.
Bjorn was a creator of his first in ?81,
Each BJ pedal captures a little piece of fun.
The list has grown to cover every type of feeling,
So today in his lab you can hear him freewheeling:
?My Baby Blue, is a Daphne Blue, it was a dream I had in my head,
Once off the floor, it rushed out the door, and next was the Dyna Red.
The Little Green, just wanted to scream, built for a certain Don Rusk,
A Honey Bee, just drips from a tree, and is dynamic from dawn to dusk.
The Pink Purple, certainly not hirple, will soothe with a calm kind of fuzz,
Baby Pink, escaped from the sink, and created its own industry buzz.
Blue Berry Bass, with a handful of mace, works on notes sunk way down below,
A big Red Rooster, a rock?n little booster, is perfect for those in the know.
The Emerald Green, is a mean little machine, with followers who live in a tribe,
Add on top, a Mighty Green chop, which makes everyone groove to the vibe.
A bright Candy Apple, with Nature you grapple, to produce an octave or two,
If you get lost, increase the cost, and tame it with an active Sea Blue.
The story may end, and such is the trend, to finish with Pine Green compression,
But from the marine, came a Wonder Machine, to fix everlasting depression.
I decided to meddle, and forge a new pedal, your pleasure for which I do strive,
I changed the name, but it?s still the same, it?s a Sky Blue Overdrive?
Such is the story of the rare AquaMarine
A magic little tale of a WonderMachine,
Choosing the winner was not very hard,
The pedal goes to?.Mr Picard.