mrpicard wrote:Cabo, from the discussions I think I know how the Folk Fuzz fits with the PPF and the CAF (it is kind of an ancestor fuzz sound to both). I have seen some comparison of the FF to the SWF but I am not quite as clear as to the differences/similarities. Now that you have spent a bit more time with the SWF do you have any thoughts on comparing it with the FF? I know that the FF has a bit more treble but is there anything else that strongly differentiates the two? Thanks

Sure, the SWF cleans up a bit quicker with the volume knob, and obviously the picking dynamics clean up better too. Ive only been using it at 18v,,actually never tried the Folk with any higher than 9V, not sure if that would change things in comparing.
The SWF does really well at covering more useable range.
The FF has a bigger bottom end,, more in the low mids. Also has more buzz/fuzz , hairier in the treble range as you mentioned,,more of a fuzz.
Im using the FF primarily as a fuzz where as the SWF Im using as boost, drive, fuzz, depending on the gain amount.
They do have the same type of natural vintage sounding fuzz and I like stacking them both into the RRB, but different enough where you could easily tell them apart.