Hi there,
And in celebration of ten years bjfe.org I made ten units of a design idea I had back in 1987 only it took some years to get enough of the right parts to make more than one or two pedals. Now for this anniversary I though of making an Overdist,which is something I haven’t made before and my definition of this is a pedal that can do both overdrive and distortion. As a colour for this was chosen it turned out that the green shade was very close to the green used on pay phones back in the day few had mobiles and the mobiles that were weighed several kilos and were just phones…
Anyway looking at a picture of one of those old pay phones bringing memories of lifting the floor to find lost coins…the Payphone Green Overdist was born.
It’s a fully transistorized circuit with a gain well over 1000 times and it sports an M control that adds midrange to the first stage and a treble control that controls treble at output.
The extreme gain range allows for heavy distortion and very long sustain but also for low gain sounds and the M control comes in really handy on my -67 Super Reverb filling out a hole in the midrange and making the SR into a rock machine from light break up to heavy buzz at 'Nigel Sustain’
I wanted to make this circuit for a number of reasons one being that fully transistorized is where I started many years ago and also as I recently came across a transistor similar to one I used back in the 80’s and so it would seem to be a bit of BJF history in that, but further as I am on a fuzz spree…

and no further explanation given…and the whole idea struck me as fun.
Right so more echo things coming later this year and fairly soon I should think and that should mean also from Bearfoot

Anyway enjoy and have fun