It's a Little Green Wonder. This guy (or perhaps somebody else, but I think it's the same guy) tried selling it for a whole crapload of money about a year or so ago. It's a Little Green Wonder with a custom blueish paintjob to match the color the MP Amp he had. I remember the whole story.
I find it interesting that he doesn't mention which model it is, and the pictures are crappy enough so that the untrained eye could tell it's one of Bjorn's--but wouldn't be able to tell which one.
I know it's an LGW for the following reasons:
1. I remember it from last year.
2. You can make out the inside story picture.
3. (and the most obvious) ... it has swappable chips and the circuit is not gooped...the LGW is the only BJF model that wasn't gooped.
Mystery solved.
Save your money and buy a readily-available MP LGW.

Get in where you fit in.