So, here's the deal:
The touring pedals will be the Candy Apple Fuzz (CAF), the Pink Purple Fuzz (PPF), the Emerald Green Distortion Machine (EGDM), and a brand new "Mystoury Fuzz" for your evaluation and feedback.
In order to participate:
- I'll need your true identity (real name, real address, and real phone number), via PM.
- You'll need to be in the lower 48 United States.
- You can keep the pedals for a maximum of one week (barring any delays such as pedal tune-ups, additions, etc.). Please do your best to adhere to this time limit and care for the pedals as if they are your own.
- When you've finished assessing, comparing and otherwise delving into the Tourbox, please send it on its way to the next participant on the forthcoming list via an insured and track-able method (such as USPS Priority Mail). These pedals are worth about a grand, so insure accordingly. (I've always found it nice to be forewarned that a Tourbox is coming my way, so please PM your next-in-line recipient so that he/she can be on the lookout.)
- After you've had an opportunity to let everything about these pedals sink in, please provide a written review of your findings/opinions/impressions, etc. of each pedal. Don't worry about technical talk if you're unaccustomed to it. Likes and dislikes will do (thankfully). Context is good, too. I will create a new thread where you'll be able to post your reviews. You are also encouraged to post your reviews wherever else you'd like (other forums, TGP, etc.).
- Please feel free to make a demo if you are so inclined. Although not a requirement, they're always much-appreciated.
I think that about covers it. If you do decide to sign up, please remember that you'll be responsible for covering the cost of insurance ($1000) and shipping (with delivery confirmation), which is a small price to pay for the opportunity IMHO. Once I've started hearing from folks, I'll post the list in this thread. I'm going to organize it so that it logically flows in terms of geography.
Many, many thanks to Donner and Bearfoot Effects for making this possible!
Okay, have at it! (If my PM box should happen to fill up, please give me a nudge on this thread. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I'll do my best to get to you quickly.)
Thanks in advance for your interest, and best regards!!!