jonnyrocket wrote:Donner, is this going to be a limited edition or are you planing on having it as part of the regular line-up?
Good question.
This is sort of an open research round - it seems folks were tiring of the research process - so this way if anyone wants to get first crack at a new one --- here you go - jump in and compare notes ...... we made a batch of about 15 and we will see what happens...
This variation sounds reeeeally tasty, and having the difference of varying the low mids instead of the deeper band on the standard Nature control is really interesting and this is one of my favorites.....
What we have been dancing around with the Honey Bairs/Sunny Bee Girls/Honey Beeatchs is a loong research round leading eventually to a permanent 4 knob Bee in the line that even dealers could carry ....
I really like the OG specs with the treble knob thats on the Homey - that a really useful option that gives lots of range....
but for now its limited edition research