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Donner wrote:well this is another in the 'limited' line - Sunny Bee,Honey bair etc.....
This one is a Honey Bee that is darkened to origianl BJFe specs (even more than the Beeatch OG) then it has the treble knob to brighten it up to what you need..... and then instead of the normal nature control that does the bottom end bloating , the Homey has an M control (swapping N for M in the name too) that pushes the low mids like in the DRD4k and SYOD4Ks .... some new variations possiblein the palette ......also a few weeks away .....
rasputin1176 wrote:I'm still hoping for a regular 3 knob Honey Bee built to the old specs like the early BJFe Honey Bees, no changes other than the component values. I love the Nature knob it's part of what's special about the HB.
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