Logan wrote:Not completely apples to apples, I'm on the latest BF tourbox with the V2 PGC & will be able to compare to my BJF PGC (sub #250). Pure speculation, however it seems the release of BF PGC V2 coincides closely with the latest run of BJF PGCs...
I ACTUALLY DROPPED BY TGP TONIGHT AND SAW THE (oops!! sorry!) Western Tour Box thread and everyone liked the sound of the BF PGC v2, but many wanted even more volume. I can say for certain that neither v1 or v2 BJFE PGC lacked volume! When I play louder I run the compression around 10 o'clock for v2 and 11 for v1 and neither Volume knob was past noon and I was definitely above unity volume.
I believe I got #258 in February of this year and #260 a week ago, so yes, both brands seemed to do a v2 drop at the same time! I am surprised that neither Bjorn or Donner have made a comment here. Bearfoot was not hiding the fact that they changed to v2 though I really didnt think that BJFE would also change. I thought the change was made in reaction to customer comments. The great thing is v1 or v2 you cant go wrong!

Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.