The SYT has come home! Scored this off of the TGP Emporiums a few days ago... I just had a chance to give it a bit of a test... It's really, really nice! Smooth, buttery... All that stuff. I like its range of speed and depth. One thing I've found with some trems is that they don't really meld totally with my guitar; the throb sounding somewhat apart from it. Maybe that'll make sense to some of you... That's not the case with this one, though. It very much feels like a part of the tone, instead of sitting on top of it. It seems very amplike. Very cool! I plan to upload a vid of it in action this Saturday, as there were only 39 of these made I guess (mine's #26), and there seem to be absolutely no video or audio clips on the 'net... I haven't owned that many trem pedals, so I wouldn't call myself an expert... Of those I've owned recently enough to make a somewhat clear mental comparison - Vibutron, Demeter Tremulator, Dr. Scientist, Boss, Semaphore... I definately like this one best. It's simple, but very toneful!

Here are some pics. Video to come shortly!