I had a weird dream last night that I wanted to tell you all about. In the dream, all of the BJFE's I've ever owned mysteriously reappeared on my pedalboard. Even the duplicates. I walked into my gear room and had 2 EGDM's, 2 PGC's, 2 SBEQ's, a DRD, Model G, Model R, SYODII, CHII, PPF, AWF, RRB, and a FF DLX sitting on a giant pedalboard. In my dream I cried when I saw them (happy tears). Then my friend came in the room and asked if I was crying because my pedal was getting rained on. I looked out the window and there was a BBOD sitting outside in the rain (I've never owned a BBOD, btw). Then I cried sad tears thinking the rain had probably fried the circuit. The BBOD was the size of a car, too. What a weird dream.

What do you think it means?