Curious! I am surprised so many had a similar finding regarding missing beef.

I actually wrote to Bjorn about it and he said the EGDM seems to play tricks on his mind/ears as well! I swore up and down the two were identical sounding when the 4k arrived, but Bjorn said they really should not change with age. I have been fortunate enough to have several examples of certain models at a given time and usually it is easy to hear a bit of difference.
I went to sell my EGDM 3k several times, but for one reason or the other I coudnt do it. It was my first BJFE and the only dirt pedal that never got kicked off the board. Maybe I should throw a velcro bottom on it and put it on the board for grins. Since getting the BF SYOD twins I have spent a lot of the time I would choose the EGDM trying to get a handle on the SYODs.
Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.