I still do not have a ton of time with the twins to give a real exact review and I want to go back and try some of the settings the rest of you guys found amazing.
My biggest surprise was in many ways is that just because you have or tried the BJFE SYODs in either sparkling or saffron the Bearfoot pedals are as different from the BJFEs as V1 and V2 are from one another. I will add that I think Bjorn/Bearfoot/Donner totally succeeded with the Bearfoot versions as they are some of the most versatile pedals, and with so many great combinations, that I have ever used. I was expecting to keep V2 and be happy, but I find myself preferring V1 slightly, with my rig, due to the lower compression and adjustability.
Playing single coil guitars can be frustrating at times because so many pedals become too bright, harsh and/or fizzy when you only get one EQ pot. So far the only pedal I am totally happy with as a 3 knob is the MR (though mine is slightly different from other MRs). The 4 knob EGDM, BF Honey Beeatch, and the SYOD twins are always tweakable to get just what you want while being so user friendly despite all 4 knobs interacting more or less.
I was about to sell my 5e3 Victoria but noticed that I was getting tube crackle due to the socket pins being too large. A simple tighten up and the amp has never sounded better! The drawback to the 5e3, even with a Celestion Blue, is the woofy-ness on the low end. The SYOD twins are just THE perfect match for tweed Fenders!

You can get "Before they make me run", "Brown Sugar" and "Honky Tonk Women" tones at any volume with a Tele and V1. Want "Can't You Hear Me Knocking?" or the album It's Only Rock'N'Roll just turn on V2 and run it through a tweed champ. I also find V2, with the Drive turned up a bit, is just about as good as it gets for slide guitar.
I found both to stack really well with each other and with my MR, MHvT, EGDM4k and Beeatch which at this stage of the game I kind of expect Bjorn's pedals to do. However, if you want an absolute killer sound run a modern treble booster in front of either!

I use either a Swart Atomic Boost with mids/lows switch or the Plum Crazy Squawk in either Ge or Si.
The odd thing for me is most BJFEs work well at unity volume at any amount of Drive, but the SYOD twins need either the Volume and/or the Drive turned up a bit to get the most out of the pedals though using the PGC and/or PH in front and SBEQ behind you get more choices of settings.
So, the good news/bad news is I need to keep both for further research.
Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.