by Hulakatt » Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:30 pm
rockeroo wrote:musicsoma wrote:I still can't get over the fact that Donner mentions a future Model G, EGDM, and CAF, but nobody is talking about it.
PROBABLY because nobody is interested in any of those pedals. Maybe the fancy colors and guaranteed tonal enhancement are deterrents to conversation and desire.
You lost me there
We've already seen (most likely) a quick shot of the Bearfoot EGDM on the BF FB page and it has been discussed a fair bit
This is not the first time that DonneR has mentioned the release of the fuzzes to the Bearfoot line but it hasn't been really talked about much because it's on of those "future" things with a vague timeline, i.e. we know that fuzzes will be released but not really what or when.
I am surprised that DonneR slipped in the comment about a BF Model G with no-one mentioning it. it would fit in well with all of the BF 4-knobbers flowing lately and it would also fit in with BF releases of rarer BJFe pedals like the SYOD.
"I don't make things in order to have finished objects, I have finished objects as a by-product of my need to always be making."
-Adam Savage
Bearfoot: BPB