Let me just say ROQUERO was the best to deal with, highly recomended. I sent this letter to him after the Emerald Green arrived:
I was up all last night sick and in pain, but when the package arrived I knew I'd get up & play! Really glad you went the extra mile and sent it overnight, came at a good time to lift my spirits.
As most told me I do really love it. It's a very organic distortion, I use overdrives & certain fuzzes (picky about stuff) but never many Distortion pedals because I felt many didn't sound real when compared to something a tube amp does it hard I know. But especially since I got away from gainier amps to mostly clean non-master volume amps as a better pedal platform. Only at loud volumes will amp get little dirty so I needed something. I like how pushed speakers & tubes get natural compression and that's what I heard in this pedal. I like compressed slightly darker sounding stuff and although some called EGDM bright I think it can be opposite set right and with certain amps. I already love. Plus the stacking with HB opens more possibilities. Also think the Voice control is killer, very interactive and allows for many different flavors. This pedal is insane but I didn't expect anything less!