Hulakatt wrote:duaner58 wrote:Hulakatt wrote:Yeah, the 5e3 can be tricky with pedals. I really like using an HBOD into mine and the AnalogMan KoT was superb with the 5e3 as well. The KoT really shone with the treble increased just a bit. I really want to try an MG into my 5e3 though.
Luckily after the 17 month wait I just got mine in the mail yesterday.. no high gain stuff though, just regular. I'm even more pumped about the SYv2 though..
Just got an HBOD or a KoT? hard to go wrong with either to be honest...
So, any consensus on the Bearfoot SYOD? One unit with switches? Two different units altogether? Some crazy 2-in-1 monster of tone? Will the paint sparkle? I am partial to a good metal flake. I can't lie, they always look so good. Since I'm from Pittsburgh I am obligated (by law, I believe) to say that black text would look quite good on a yellow metal flake box.
K Heres the plan as it stands .......
There will eventually be 5 Sparkling Yellow ODs

They will all be the same color Yellow
SY1 will have silver glitter SY2 will have gold glitter
They will all have White lettering ~ but NO white stripe like the research models
(considering silver and gold lettering to match as well, not sure yet ...)
First will come the 4 knob versions - not sure if we can do both at the same time, but it would be good to do a sort of twins thing again for the BearFoot research release ....
then will come individual 3 knobs and a 4 knob that will do both by switching the rotor 4th knob .... then world domination