Well, here's what they will look like!

They are $26.00 for 1 shirt. This includes paypal fees and US/Canada shipping.
If outside the US...cost is $29 for 1 shirt.
2 shirts for $46 (us) $50 (overseas)
3 shirts for $64 (us) $68 (overseas)
all 4 shirts for $78 (us) $82 (overseas)
So, I'm taking orders now.
Paypal me at [email protected] (don't forget to include your sizes/model of shirt and make sure your paypal address is the address you want to be shipped to)
PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR BJF FORUM NAME!! (or if you are from TGP...you GP name...let me know which)
e-mail me at [email protected] with any questions or if you need to pay with Money Order. (or you can PM me here)
Basically I need to have 15 orders for each shirt before I send them to the printers. I need to do this just to get the ball rolling on these first few batches. Hope this is ok...
I'll be in contact to let everyone know the time frame of how things are going.
If you want to order but don't want to pay upfront so we can get 15 per shirt..no prob!
Just post in this thread what exactly you will order....and then will add up the orders that way...and be sure where exactly we are!
If we get enough orders in this week...we should be able to have them in 2 weeks.
Please let me know if you have any questions or problems!

Baby Blue Overdrive

Candy Apple Fuzz

Honey Bee Overdrive

Dyna Red Distortion