Donner wrote:what amp do you like it the best with ? - in your sig you have a whole range of amps ...
if its too boomy then yo probably want the body at noon or higher because it adds lowend to the left kind of like the HB ...
you can use different chips for different dynamics I really like the BBOD into the LGW as the BBOD gives that stack a dynamic singing quality
After trying several of my amps, I cannot really say I found a combination I like best. I did switch out the chip a couple times and am in agreement with your chip suggestion. Your chip advice was best to my ear. I assumed the LGW would sound closer to my liking with my Fender amps.
I guess the Bandmaster/strat combo was the most pleasing (through 2 Celestion g12Hs). It is probably that I do not play through sounds like the LGW that it caught me by such surprise. I am such it records great and sits nicely in a mix, but sitting across from my amp, I couldn't jive with it on the same level as other BJFe boxes. That does not really bother me, but it was surprising to say the least. I really need to sit down with it and a couple amps/guitars and record with it. Maybe my ears need a tune-up as well (I assumed they were working on the same level they usually do

Thanks for the ideas. I will certainly give them a shot!