Fulltone patch cables
These mint Fulltone patch cables are great sounding and seem very durable. Soldered cables are great because they very rarely go bad which I can not say about solder-less. I have 2 - 13" and 5 - 10.5" cables. They all have right angle plugs and I measure between the tips as they are oriented perpendicular to the cable. These sell for around $140 from Fulltone.
$90 shipped USPS priority using regular PayPal.

Fulltone Guitar Cables (from website)
Cables have a way of putting their own unique stamp on your sound and they do all sound just a little bit different from one another. Some have too much Highs, some not enough, while others have tremendous Bottom-end, at the same time sounding flat and lifeless! Fulltone's Gold Standard™ low-capacitance cables with Gold-Plated ends keep the higher frequencies intact over longer lengths of cord without sounding shrill.
Having said that, a cable that passes more Highs and Lows does not necessarily result in a cable that sounds best for guitar and bass applications, as evidenced by the many expensive cables you may have tried and rejected! I designed the Fulltone Gold Standard™ specifically for guitarists and bassists, choosing all materials (oxygen-free copper, shield, etc.), construction methods, and plating for a sound not only strong in Lows and Highs, but also rich in the Mid frequencies where all the complex overtones lie, a crucial area often overlooked by other "premium" cables.
Fulltone cables are also built to outlast you, and I'm confident enough in their construction to offer a "Limited Lifetime Replacement Warranty."
Fender Custom Shop '56 NOS pickups
This is from a 2000 '56 ri Fender and have a great vintage sound with excellent quack in 2 & 4. Leads cut by Fender to exactly match a vintage wiring diagram.
B: 6.10 M: 5.89 N: 5.98 Formvar wire, vintage stagger. You can not buy these outside the CS '56 guitar.
SOLD! regular paypal. Shipped USPS Priority with tracking.

Chevalier/Copperhead 1967 Strat Pickups. I don't know if Chevalier is still making pickups or not, but these are Enamel wound and made to sound like Jimi's first two LPs. Which they do! I am including two types of pickup cover and hardware. There should still be youtube videos of people demoing this set. The sound is a little gritty, a little glassy with amazing quack in 2 & 4.
B: 5.62 Ohms M: 5.43 Ohms N: 5.43 Ohms Magnets and windings all same direction.
SOLD!! Thanks James! regular paypal. Shipped USPS priority with tracking.

I ship quickly and have dozens of references if needed. Thanks for looking.
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