MBT74 wrote:cajone5 wrote:Wow... no one?
OK then looks like I'll be building this one solo

What would it cost for the parts? I'm not sure my skills are up to it just yet but I plan to get myself sorted and trying things very soon so why not give myself incentives?
Feel free to PM me if you'd prefer this conversation was offline.

Not sure on pricing exactly -- for board and parts probably fairly cheap (~$30-40 shipped). For a board, parts, enclosure, knob, jacks, power jack, battery snap, pot, switch, LED & bezel... probably more like $80-90. I already ordered the supplies for my build but should have enough parts to make 1-2 kits if anyone's interested (bought some things for other projects but if folks want to give this a run I don't mind pulling together a kit or two out of what I have). The builds would be on a small square board similar to the one posted earlier in the thread and we'd have to work from that schematic as well since I'm not too up to speed on those things. So let me know if anyone is interested and I'll do my best to get a more solid idea of price in the next week or two once I have parts in.