Firstly I must say thank you for all the valueable feedback given on researchmodels, something that has enabled me to lock some designs so they can be made by MP Amplification and others giving vital information of functions of guitars speakers and amplifiers and in a great way added to my sonic library.
Gentlemen thank you!
On the matter of resale I feel that pedals sold are really the property of the owner and the owner may ofcourse do whatever he/she sees fit with them.
No, I cannot operate a recycling service how much I'd want to, as it would take a huge piece of time just the logistics and it's the prime reason I have distribution so as to save such time for development and fun also with my family.
What makes my day most often is that a pedal has found a good home with somebody who uses it and so it can bring joy.
Everyone can have hard times now and then as what not breaks and funds are needed quickly and I have sold quite a few pedals myself for that very reason

and so I hold no judgement over this.
If I made only one model and sold right off my workshop I might have been able to make sure everyone who wanted got a fair deal sort of like Ferrari does with their motorcars and if you'd like one of those the only source to get one is through Ferrari, but I can't do that with 22 and increasing models and I gather now most of my dealers that used to have a trial period or refund policy, just state that you can resell the pedal for more than you bought it for.
Ah, yes there have been instances where it would seem some would have placed an order just to resell the item without even listening, which also have created longer lines while some units have been available on e-bay at a mark up and maybe it has also been so that some that formely was happy with their BJF pedal realized that they can resell it for much more than they bought it for and yes I do remember a post over at MusicToyz a few years back a guy who had bought a secondhand unit for say 140USD and was happy with that until USD fell and new units of same model retalied at 299 USD and so the guy felt that his pedal wasn't worth 299 USD but must be sold at 299......
as he'd never pay 299USD for the pedal while in fact he had paid 140...........
Yes I know how that feels and works too.
However it means a lot to me all the pieces of feedback I get that can spur new or better models more aligned to needs.
I am also happy to meet shiny happy people getting good sounds.
Is sound a journey? Yes, to many it is and to some it just doesn't matter- I meet both kinds in my work and the best goal to me is to find the solution that gives the least excuses to further travel and hopefully no excuse but to play.
Yes I know at least a couple of musicians that constantely change their gear and that go from being happy with their sound to new requirements and really mostly to maintain the spirit and edge and taking on new parameters to conquer and thus staying awake through hours of sets- musical journey as a way of life perhaps, sort of like the Beatles had sandwiches on their amplifiers to stay awake but as interpreted through gear.
"Good call on the FAQ - can this be stickied?
As a newb it took me a fair few trips round the forum and website to initially get my head around BJFE.
Can I make a suggestion for a few more potential topics to cover?
1. What BJFE pedals are currently being produced / What is the currently available range? "
HB Honey Bee Overdrive
DRD Dyna Red Distortion colour change in 2004
EGD Emerald Green Distortion Machine colour change in 2004
PGC Pine Green Compressor, formely Pale Green compressor
CAF Candy Apple Fuzz
RRB Red Rooster Booster, units made before 2004 have fiesta red colour
BPB Baby Pink Booster, available only on request
SBEQ Sea Blue Equalizer
MGMV Mighty Green Mini Vibe formely Mint Green Minivibe
Bass effect
3BOD Blue Berry Bass Overdrive, available only on request
2. Where are BJFE pedals available for purchase?
World wide dealers are found under 'dealers' menu at the top of frontpage at
US dealers are found at the front page of
Custom versions of available models above are sometimes available from custom-sounds or certain dealers.
Customshop models are intended primarily for research:
Model R: this model can only be made in 99 units and it has gathered lots of information so far.
Let say Model R can sound terrible with some setups and like an imaginable extension with other set ups, which leads to that through the research route it has taken most units can end up with happy homes and feedback on the functions of this model has been given.
Off spring of Model R is the MP Mighty Red Distortion- there's no sound or circuit relation, but the thing that the Model R is so sensitive to what it is used with spurred the thought EQ of MRD to make that repeatable through most amps and speakers.
Train of thought:
First this guy asks about an overdrive that would be inbetween LGW and EGD....discussed is the midrange to protrude at stadiumlevels and a circuit is made, one that later spures the MP Sky Blue OD. While making a prototype to bring to a show of this stadium OD with the midrange to protrude
I thought couldn't this be made more as a distortion-different circuit requirements but how about that midrange? Model R was then deviced to capture just this protruding midrange but with the texture and feel of a distortion,however the functions of this makes Model R align to certain speakers only
VCF: feedback has been gathered on this model and enough to lock this circuit and it has been added to the MP line to be made in a small box with four controls- without the valuable feedback from those that tried the protos this would not have been possible.
Origin of VCF: this was intially made as a remote wha to go in a rack system for multiple rocker set ups back in 1991
Folk Fuzz: this was really first meant as a DIY project, published first in guitarmagazine FUZZ and later a De Luxe version had its own article
http://www.fuzz.se/main.asp?go=13&src=1 ... =6&aid=161 but it has also brought feedback and the custom shop Folk Fuzzes are in the spirit of 'Take what you can take' made with transistors of the day.
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive: is a reasearch project for an overdrive to add to BJF line
Model H: is a research project on a function-dynamics of distortion and EQ- more reasearch needed before I can determine what to do with this one
2SMV: is a research project of control over the effect
Folk Phaser/ Plum Phaser both part of research over phasing effect and results were transfered to the MP line in the Tiny Orange Phaser and reasearch is finished and closed
"3. Which BJFE pedals have been discontinued within the last 6/12 months? "
PPF Pink Purple Fuzz- discontiuned from parts shortage
LGW Little Green Wonder- transfered to the MP line
BBOD Baby Blue Overdrive- discontiuned from parts shortage
Earlier discontiued models
SYT Saffron Yellow Tremolo- replaced by MP Mellow Yellow Tremolo; not the same circuit but the same theory of operation.
LRT Little Red Trebler, discontinued no replacement planned
Copied and added to from the pedal statistics
BBOD 001216 discontinued 070625
DRD 010509 in production; colourchange 2004
BPB 010826 available on specialorder only and taken off distribution-talk to Harri
CAF 011028 in production
3BOD 011221 in production but available only on request
LRT 020122 available on specialorder only and taken off distribution-talk to Harri
MGMV 020122 in production, colour change in 2004
PPF 020309 discontinued 0709
PGC 021204 in production, colourchange in 2004
HB 021204 in production
SYT 021204 discontinued 2005 replaced by MP Mellow Yellow Tremolo
LGW 030108 discontinued 2006 replaced by MP Little Green Wonder
RRB 030527 in production; colourchange 2004
EGDM 030930 in production; colourchange 2004
SBEQ 040906 in production
Have fun