I am using the model HvT and if I want to get wild and crazy I might turn it up to one o'clock on the Drive. Usually I run between 10 and 12 and if more gain is needed I hit it with my compressor or the Scream, or boost with HBOD or SBEQ. See chain in sig below.
I use my volume and tone knobs all the time on my guitars which is why I love my BJFE designed effects because they change the way an amp would so I don't have to change the way I have been playing for 30+ years. I learned a lot about guitar from watching Jimmy Page at the midnight movies and I noticed how he got so many textures and tones just from his guitar. Later I saw Rory Gallagher open for Rush and he got so much from just the guitar that, except for a short time in the mid 80s, I didn't use effects until about 5 years ago. I just had a vintage style Strat > 30' cord > Mesa Boogie MKIIB and if I had to tune I turned the amp to standby and plugged into a Boss or Korg tuner sitting on my amp.
Ok, back on topic. I don't know if there is much benefit to changing the MH until you did a wider poll from more users as I suspect the group he are a bit more likely to stack to get higher gain since we tend to have a lot of pedals
That said, a SBEQ with a built in Purple Humper would be an amazing addition to the BF line!

Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.